Author Ayesha Muhammad

I talked to Ayesha Muhammad at the All Black Midwest Bookfair at the Ohio History Center, 800 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211

Author Ayesha Muhammad, “A Glimpse Into the Real World of a Dented Pearl” #614whats2love #authors #author #ohioauthors #ohioauthor #blackauthors #blackfemalauthor #blackaruthorsofinstagram #writingcommunity #blackauthorsmatter #readincommunity #authrlife
@denteddpearll @allblackmidwestbookfair
Author Ayesha Muhammad, “A Glimpse Into the Real World of a Dented Pearl”

Tell me about your journey.

I started writing when I was five. I started reading when I was two. I have been an observer all my life. Writing is how I express myself. If I go through something or observe something and find it cool or interesting or something I want to expand on, I write on it. I went through things at a very young age, different traumas. Writing is how I started to cope. This is the start of my purpose and what God has for me.

Tell me about the book.

My book is called, “A Glimpse Into the Real World of a Dented Pearl.” It is about what I observed and experienced in my seventeen years of life. I am eighteen; but, I wrote it when I was seventeen. I could call it a memoir; but, not really. There are things that I went through that I expand on. I hope to inspire others to rise above. I also talk about black history, racism, black women, etc. I hope that I am planting a seed for people to learn more about. We can’t help what life gives us. We can grow and rise above it. I am a product of rising above what the enemy has tried to bind me with. I refuse to be bound. I hope that is what others get from the book.

How does someone buy your book?

My book is on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. You can buy the hard cover at Target. It is all online for $7.99, hardback $21.99.

Author Ayesha Muhammad, “A Glimpse Into the Real World of a Dented Pearl” #614whats2love #authors #author #ohioauthors #ohioauthor #blackauthors #blackfemalauthor #blackaruthorsofinstagram #writingcommunity #blackauthorsmatter #readincommunity #authrlife
@denteddpearll @allblackmidwestbookfair
Author Ayesha Muhammad, “A Glimpse Into the Real World of a Dented Pearl”

Anything I didn’t ask you that you want to add?

I hope that I plant the seed and you have the ears to receive what I am trying to say through my book before you get offended. I hope you take it in and soak it in. Even though I am young, I am not bound by my age. It is the wisdom that I have within me that is going to help others.

What is next?

I want to open my own business called, “Healing with Christ.” I am a believer in Christ. I believe we can’t do anything without Christ. We are His vessels; but, He is the Father. I am in college. I am majoring in Psychology. I have a dream to speak publicly around the world. I want my book to go global. I am in awe to be around so many inspiring people and vendors and learn from their experiences. We can all help one another and learn from one another.