Author Quan Abazie

I talked to Quan Abazie at the All Black Midwest Bookfair at the Ohio History Center, 800 East 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211.

Author Quan Abazie, “You have the Victory” #614whats2love #authors #author #ohioauthors #ohioauthor #blackauthors #blackfemalauthor #blackauthorsofinstagram #writingcommunity #blackauthorsmatter #readincommunity #authorlife
@quanangelic05 @allblackmidwestbookfair
Author Quan Abazie, “You have the Victory”

Tell me about the book.

I am the author of “You have the Victory.”  I am here to tell you that you have the victory in every positive thing that you do in your life. I am a living testimony of how good God has been to me. How He covered me when I was in a dessert serving in the US Army in Iraq and Kuwait. The book talks about the reason I joined the military was for my son so I can obtain the college tuition to further my education. It talks about the blatant racism that I endured, dealing with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Ultimately, it is about forgiveness. We know that forgiveness is not for the other person, it is for us. I held onto so much anger because of the things that happened to me; but, God had to remind me that there are things that I have done in my life where He forgave me. I had to get myself in a place to forgive others. Again, forgiveness is not for the other person, forgiveness is for me. Once I forgave, I was able to release things and continue to get blessings in my life. My book can be purchased on hand as well as on Amazon. It is $20. I am on FB: @quanabazie

Author Quan Abazie, “You have the Victory” #614whats2love #authors #author #ohioauthors #ohioauthor #blackauthors #blackfemalauthor #blackauthorsofinstagram #writingcommunity #blackauthorsmatter #readincommunity #authorlife
@quanangelic05 @allblackmidwestbookfair
Author Quan Abazie, “You have the Victory”

You mentioned people can purchase your book on hand. I am not familiar with that. What is on-hand?

Meaning I have the books with me. If you are local, you can inbox me on social media. Reach out to me and I will deliver it to you.

Sidebar: I’d imagine she would deliver to public places like the police station, Walmart parking lot, etc.

Is there anything that I didn’t ask you that you think I should have asked you? If so, go ahead and answer that question.

If there is something that you want to do, you have to write it down and make it plain, go into prayer and ask God. He already knows what our purpose is in life. This is my purpose. Being an author has been a great journey for me. In self-publishing there has been ups and downs, bumps, bruises and hiccups; but, God. I am thankful and grateful for this journey. This has opened up so many opportunities for me. This past June, I was the keynote speaker for the Miss Black Ohio pageant.