Artist Camille Martin

I talked to Camille Martin at the Columbus Arts Festival 2023.

Artist Camille Martin at the Columbus Arts Festival 2023
Artist Camille Martin at the Columbus Arts Festival 2023

Are you full time or is this your side hustle?

This is what I do primarily. My finance’ and I moved here about a year and a half ago. He has a great job which affords me the time to do this. I try to put all my effort into this to make sure that I get the best outcome possible.

Tell me about your art journey.

I am self taught. I have been sketching my whole life. I took a few art classes here and there for painting. I learned all this on my own through Youtube. I have been painting for about three and a half years now.

Do you have a certain theme? Medium?

My medium primarily is acrylic.

Is there anything that I didn’t ask you that you think I should have asked you? If so, go ahead and answer that question.

What inspired me?

I started doing this in therapy. I had an art therapist. I didn’t realize that I was neglecting this part of me for a long time. Being able to express myself in therapy, opened up a whole new door for me. I realize that I express myself better by being creative. I stayed with it. I have been able to do these pieces that mean so much to me and others.