Jane Austen Society of North America Dayton

I talked to Nancy Griffiths of the Jane Austen Society of North America Dayton (JASNA Dayton) at the Ohioana Book Festival.

Nancy Griffiths and Danae Winterbottom of JASNA Dayton at the Ohioana Book Festival
Instagram: @jasnadayton. @onhioanalibrary @columbuslibrary @jasnaorg
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Nancy Griffiths and Danae Winterbottom of JASNA Dayton at the Ohioana Book Festival

Tell me about the group.

We are with the Jane Austen Society formerly known as the Dayton group; but, now it is going to the central western group. It encompasses people from Columbus to Cincinnati.

This is an organization comprised of Jane Austin fans who enjoy her novels, her wit, her humor, social commentary and politics at the time. It is an organization that came out of Jane Austin’s novels; but, it encompasses things around the regency time period which was in the early 1800s and late 1700s.

How often do you meet?

The local chapter has a book club that meets quarterly. There are different events that the reginal group has throughout the year. It varies.

How does a person find out about the events?

They should go to www.jasnadayton.org.

What is the primary group demographic?

The group is open to all. Maybe mostly women. We do have men. One of the men in the group often leads the reading group. He has a lot of interesting things to say. All ages. Everybody is welcome.